Tag Archives: #Tinder

Merry Midwinter 2016!

As we celebrate the turning of the wheel and the sun coming back, so too am I back… Well, for today anyway.

It’s been a while since I wrote, and I need to vent a little bit. So, I guess I’m being a little selfish on this Solstice, but everyone deserves a moment of selfishness every once in a while. It’s been a particularly strange couple of weeks lately, and all I want right now is a stiff drink and a hot bath and maybe a Midol… or five!

Since last I wrote, the semester has finished, I’ve checked a couple of Tinderfellas off the list, made progress (sort of… maybe?) with the one Tinderfella I already knew, and, oh yeah, got rear-ended by a semi-truck.

Continue reading Merry Midwinter 2016!

Conversations are Hard…

Well, I’m getting closer to being back on schedule, but I missed the weekend Coffee Share. Having a Three Day weekend makes it extremely difficult to tell what day it is. I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday, but it’s not. It’s Monday. Labor Day.

I was supposed to go to my mother’s house this weekend to visit. I had been looking forward to it actually, especially because I haven’t been to a Lake Buchanan VFD Labor Day Barbecue in a longish while! I miss the barbecue from back home because they use a different wood, or a different technique. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s better!

I still haven’t found a place that has what I would call good barbecue since I’ve been to Houston, and that is (to a Texan girl) kind of a big deal. Continue reading Conversations are Hard…

Tonight on #JustAddTea: The Future!

Last week I had to cancel our weekly Twitter Chat so I could see an advanced screening of the movie Nerve, and while I missed talking to everyone, it was a movie that is definitely worth it. Even though the movie doesn’t come out officially for another week, I saw that there are several places around Houston already showing movie times, so expect my review to post shortly. Like, maybe later today or tomorrow at the latest.

In the meantime though, our virtual tea party is back on for tonight!  Continue reading Tonight on #JustAddTea: The Future!

Merry Midsummer!!

For me, Midsummer (or Litha, or the Solstice, or the first day of Summer, or whatever you want to call it) is about truth and healing and enjoying the sun! The sun shines light upon the darkness, scaring away the (metaphorical) demons, letting only truth shine, and on this, the longest day of the year, it is a day for discovery and welcoming truth and joy into our lives!

I have a strong urge to take a few of my incenses and my smudge stick and go to the beach and start a bonfire! Continue reading Merry Midsummer!!