Tag Archives: Aspie

Are you in Flow?

In a lot of ways, real life is like a story. You can have a Meet Cute in real life, or find some foreshadowing to a plot twist or two… if you know where to look, that is. You might even get your happily ever after.

And that’s the goal, isn’t it? To achieve some goal and enter into a state of happily ever after?

But how do you get there? And is there ever really a “happily ever after?”

Continue reading Are you in Flow?

More Than One Calling

Some of you who have been around for a while might be wondering why, all of a sudden, this blog has taken a much more… preachy isn’t the right word, but it’s the closest… a much more preachy tone of late.

Well, I have been strong in my faith for a while, but it wasn’t until all this CoVid-19 stuff started happening that I had an opportunity to really look at how active a roll my spirituality was taking in my life.

An event happened at the beginning of this whole lockdown/quarantine situation that really gave me some perspective.

And no, the actual quarantine isn’t the event I’m talking about, though it has given me the time to absorb, reflect, and respond in a way that led to this blog reboot.

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That Friday Feeling: The Beauty of a BuJo

Over Lughnasadh, I mentioned that I’ve found a way to balance my “real life” with my “spiritual life” using a Bullet Journal. My “real life” includes all those little tasks that are boring but necessary… like chores and a job, whereas my “spiritual life” is what I used to call all the little things I’m drawn to, including my creativity and my desire to help people.

The last few years, I’ve learned that those “real life” tasks are often in the category of “executive functioning skills,” and that is one of those areas where some people on the spectrum (myself included) struggle.

So what exactly are “Executive Functioning Skills?” And how can a bullet journal help?

Continue reading That Friday Feeling: The Beauty of a BuJo

Merry Lughnasadh: Face the Sun

Welcome to my favorite time of the year! I’m not quite sure why this holiday is my favorite. I looked back at a few of my previous Lughnasadh posts and it seems that it has a lot to do with what it represents: Lugh the Long-Armed.

And while I do appreciate his story, I don’t know if that’s why I like this time of year so much.

Continue reading Merry Lughnasadh: Face the Sun

Thursday Thoughts

I know, I know. There’s not been a lot going on around here lately; that’s partly what I’ve been thinking about lately.

And I’m sorry about my absence. Believe me, I’ve missed doing this as much as some of you miss reading it! But this summer has a lot of promise, and one of the things I’m planning is some revamping of this site.

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