
Welcome to Just Add Tea! Here, we discuss writing, spirituality, and share the occasional short story or poem. You’ll find new posts below, but if you’re looking for something specific, check out the menu at the top of the page.

So come on in, sit down, grab yourself a cup of tea, and peruse at your leisure. Thanks for stopping by!

Reflections on a Monday…

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, I apologize for the dramatically long pause in my posting. If you’re new here, then welcome… and buckle up. I know 2020 is hard for all of us, but after a long break from most of my online family, friends, and writing responsibilities, I am…

Back To School (and maybe back to normal)

You know, when I went to read my Oracle Cards this morning, I didn’t really realize just how perfect it would apply for all of 2020. The card I pulled was Shakti reversed, and the explanation for what that meant was this: “Sometimes people and situations come into your life as the kind of change…

Weekend Coffee Share: Moving Day

Hello to all my coffee share peeps! I almost missed this week, because I already have no idea what day of the week it is at any given moment. Normally it takes a little longer into the summer for me to lose track of days, but the events of this year and the last few…

Weekend Coffee Share: Whirlwind Week

Hello Coffee Share Peeps! I’d offer you coffee, but it would be hospital coffee, so I can’t promise it’s any good. I’m keeping my father company this weekend, which has been a big part of this week in general. His room has a nice big window, and while the view isn’t great, it doesn’t feel…


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